Baldness now a days its a huge problem for women and men too.We all are at home in this pandemic situation , some countries have open a few of their companies for people but all these things caused a lots of stress to us . And one of the most biggest reasons of blandness is stress , anxiety , mental pressure . But there are a lots of solution to cure baldness . 


1.Garlic mask

this is a mask has been centuries giving beneficial . It also works as a amazing herb for your hair line and make your hair more lines . it will also reduce your hair fall and damage too.


How to make the mask

1. first take two garlic (of course the amount based on your hair length )

2. then blend them without water and take out juice of them 

3. mix coconut or oil of your choice 

4. Apply to the places where you have lose of hair and keep that for 20 to 30min and  then wash it off 


P.S: if you are worried about the smell then you can simply add rose water or any kind of essential oil . It will make your scalp more serrated and also make it more clear and re energize to cure your hair growth . you can store it and use it at night and wash it at morning . it will give a nice hair day 


2. black seeds and Amla oil 

 If your hair line is going away or you are suffering from kinda pain at your bald places. this mask can help you. Black seeds have the ability to give a boost to your dead cells and make you feel amazing

also amla also has been using for a long time as a hair remedy from so  many problems . Amla has a high amount of  Vitamin C  and also it have supplements which are very beneficial for your hair 


how to make the mask 

1. take a few amlas (how much you need to make a oil)

2. cut them into pieces and take of the seeds

3. then take a oil of your choice i highly recommend using coconut oil

 4. then add oil then two tea spoon of black cumin seeds and with the amlas 

5. heat it up until the amlas turns read or seems like cook . 

6. do all the process in low flame then cool it down 

7. apply it on your hair and cover your hair with shower cap or a plastic bag 

8. keep it for 1 hour then was it off with mild shampoo.


after wash you will get a soft and smooth hair with clear scalp . i highly asked you to focus on your scalp and the places where you are suffering form baldness . At last try to do this more often in a month but not too frequent because too much oil treatment  can make your hair greezy ....

3.Aloe vera oil and shampoo

Aloe is always the best of best of DIY  treatments of hair and skin . it help your dead skin cells and other too come out and revive with new ones. it helps to boost your hair growth as well as your hair to get more thick and shinny . 


things you need to know

as aloe vera oil is kind of sticky you need to wash it off with a mild shampoo

aloe vera shampoo is really mild and gentle that's why it cant just wash  all the oil ...

the aloe shampoo you can use it as a mask, rinse, or shampoo. 

How to make the aloe oil

1. Take 3 or 5 aloe vera and cut them in small pieces 

2. then take a oil of your choice and add the amount you want 

3. then heat it u until it the aloe turns reddish and then cool it down ..

4. apply it on your hair with your bare hands then let it for an hour and rinse it off with mild shampoo and conditioner 

5. you will get an amazing soft hair that you will make you count yourself  in a group of spectacular hair .


How to make the aloe shampoo

1. Take 3 or 5 aloe vera and  take out the jelly part 

2. take 2 or 3 green tea bags  and keep them in two extract all the liker(you can also use normal tea )

3. Now blend all the  items together and make sure that they are blend well . you really don't wanna make your hair stuck aloe veras

4. Then if apply it you all over hair and scalp and wash it off with conditioner . 

NOTE: don't apply aloe oil and shampoo together it will make your hair dry and rough 

This mask will heat up your hair growth and also make you feel light and it will reduce your pain and baldness . make your hair getting to jump shine all though the day

4. Onion and carrot mask

When it comes to regrow your hair always onion is the first choice .But the combination of carrot with it  pretty awkward but these two works like a whole magic on your hair . online has high amount of sulphar and carrot has vitamin A which makes a perfect match to regrow your hair ......


How to make the mask

1. Take 1 onion and one carrot peel it off

2. Then take all the juice out of it 

3. add 4 teaspoons of oil (any one of your choice) 

4. then apply it to your hair 

5. let it stay for  1hour then wash it off with light shampoo

this mask you surely make your hair really good an amazing scalp heath ....

All these mask are really good to make your hair and scalp more healthy and promote hair growth also the term that we focused on this topic is baldness and surely it will react on it . please let me know in the comments if you have any problem or share with me how you feel after applying them



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