20+ effective method to get rid of grey hair



Mostly women and man of upto age 30 faces the problem of grey hair , It's something natural that happens with the age but if you want then you can fix it. But it's unnatural when it happens with a 15 or 16 yrs old i mean teenager also even kids too. Lets get deep into the topic



Sometimes food habit place a huge role at your hair health too. If you are facing grey hair in a very early age then you must have some vitamin lacking in your body . In some cases it have seeen that most of the women suffer from grey hair because of lackings of vitamins . they eat all the food but they dont get enough of that specific vitamin they need . Vitamin B and Minerals are the key of hair growth and health . if your body suffers from lacking of vitaminB or minerals then you willl suffer from grey hair . consult with your doctor about it .


Beleive me or not smoking really brings grey hair for you . most of the men only suffer from grey hair  at early age because of smoking . The smoke that they inhale just goes to their lungs and from there is goes to the hair blood and ruins the balance and make it gry and also causes the highest amount of health issues . One study has also showed that most of the people who smokes ruins their hormones soo bad that sometimes it leads them to the cancer stage 4 .


We all have sooo many tensions, man , female ,children , teenager . we all do suffer from fustrationa nd anxirty. We all do but too much of everything is bad right when we got streesed that time it gives us a huge pressure to our mind and also in our hormones which causes grey hair , hair loses and much more problems . 


Scintifically  more than 70%  people loss their hair and grey their hair because of stress . 


Its a huge dicussion when we use color or straight , curl. or use heat in your hair . they started to became damge kinda its really like your mind or i wouls say your brain . when you give do too much of work like per day 18 to 20 hours you mind will be really struck and numb and also will start to give you side effect like you will get angry soon ,  you will not feel good lso fell sleepy and unproductive . same to your hair when you toture it (i mean its really like a torture )  it will be really damage , also started to break down because simply they cant bear the pressure . Besides this people who work in a chemical factories and or stays with chemical too much they do suffer from grey hair . 


If you have grey hair from a really early age then propably you have genetics and food habit . Some people do have grey hair h=just because someone from their relatives or their genaration had grey hair problems . So it's very obvious but consult with a doctor . 


Hormonal changes caused by a thyroid problem — such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism — may also be responsible for premature white hair. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. It helps control many bodily functions such as metabolism. The health of your thyroid can also influence the color of your hair. An overactive or under active thyroid can cause your body to produce less melanin.



White hair at early age can show that you have vitamin B deficiency . this vitamin plays a huge role in your body and hair.A vitamin B-12 deficiency is associated with a condition called pernicious anemia, which is when your body can’t absorb enough of this vitamin. Your body needs vitamin B-12 for healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen to cells in your body, including hair cells. A deficiency can weaken hair cells and affect melanin production.


Some of us use brush while your hair is wet . its really bad . That is the weapon for your hair weakness and when you use any chemical a heavy shampoo it can be grey or some other problem . But your hair is not either anyone hair is not like that weak but brushing wet hair made that so please do use a huge spaced comb that will help you . 


1. Grey hair is a type of hair . we need to beleive that grey hair is a type of hair . As we all know we do have grey hair after 50 or even more earlier . this is a kind of hair .Some of us already have grey hair since we born so it's a  kind of hair we are born with . its noral . So love your hair because it's a concept of loving yourself and loving your god creation .

2. Accept the way you are 

if you have grey hair or some of grey hair as in genes then please let it be because no one can change your gene but you can change it . you can do natual color and also try many hairstyles that can hide those hair . But please do not believe or do those add that shows that taking or applying some tablets or some chemcals can cure it . You can change it by just coloring it diy so its really not need to do that stuffs 

3. change your food habit 

 some times lacking of some vitamins can make your grey and suffer from more and more hair problems . According to one studyTrusted Source, low ferritin, calcium, and vitamin D-3 all affect graying, while another study concluded that low copper, zinc, and iron advance premature graying.that's why you should eat those food which can really prevent also cure your greying of hair .

look at this blog for the best food for your hair:

Know which fruits is worst or good for your hair

4. Vitamin D

when your diet is not really working on your hair . Go for Vitamin-B supplements . we all know vitamin b has 12 kinds. that's why its soooo important .  And it always  keep your mind and also other body organ these helps alot .


We all do know about the most important thing of our life is water and water has atons of beneficials . that helps us to grow and  be healthy .drinking water can really improve your hair grey . As we know that our cells have most of them in water .So when do drink less water or something else like this we get the minerals and necessary liquid in ur body but wen we dont get i hahve already told that mineral s are really important so that time we are suffering hairfall , sclap flackig or danduff and also greying of hair .

6. Do some hair style to look good

For woman they can do many hairstyles that can help to tacle the grey hair . All of our hair have many grey hair then you can do hairstyles like french braids bun or anyother hair styles that even can help to hide the hair. and sometimes it looks really pretty. 

“Keep in mind that it is key to keep hair looking bright, shiny, and healthy,” says Scott. “Gray hair tends to turn a dull yellowish color that can age you, so try keeping it shiny and bright.” You can do this by using toning, purple-colored shampoos. Popular options include Aveda’s Blue Malva Shampoo, Davines Alchemic Silver series, and Joico’s Color Endure Violet.

8.there are also some home remedies for grey hair 

  • Coconut oil. Every other day, before bed, massage coconut oil onto your hair and scalp. The next morning, wash your hair as usual.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Every day, eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Blackstrap molasses. Every other day, eat a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses (from sugarcane juice, not from beet sugar); it’s believed to reverse the graying process.
  • Amla (Phyllanthus emblica). Drink six ounces of fresh amla juice every day or massage your hair with amla oil one time each week. Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry.
  • Black sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum). Two to three times a week, eat a tablespoon of black sesame seeds to slow down and possibly reverse the graying process.
  • Ghee.Twice a week, massage your hair and scalp with pure ghee (clarified butter).
  • Amaranth (Amaranthus). Three times a week, apply fresh amaranth juice to your hair.
  • Wheatgrass juice (Thinopyrum intermedium). Drink one to two ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice every day or add 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass powder daily to your soups and smoothies.
  • Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum). In traditional Chinese medicine, fo-ti is taken internally as a supplement — 1,000 milligrams two times per day with food — to reverse the graying hair process.
  • Onion (Allium cepa). Blend an onion in a blender and then use a strainer so that you’re left with the juice. Twice a week, rub this juice into your scalp, leaving it in place for 30 minutes and then shampooing as usual.
  • Carrot juice (Daucus carota subsp. sativus). Drink 8 ounces of carrot juice every day.
  • Catalase. Eat foods rich in the enzyme catalase such as:
  • Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii). Make a paste of ¼ cup of curry leaves and ½ cup of yogurt. Apply it to your hair and scalp and then wash it off after 30 minutes. Repeat two to three times a week.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Take an ashwagandha supplement with food. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng.
  • Almond oil. Mix together equal parts of almond oil, lemon juice, and amla juice. Massage the mixture into your hair and scalp. Follow this routine two times a day for three months.
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Fill ⅓ of an 8-ounce jar with dried rosemary and then fill the jar to the top with extra virgin olive oil. Leave the jar in a sunny place for four to six weeks, shaking it every few days. After six weeks, use it as a hair oil.

Some misconceotion that sometimes confused you !!!

If grey hair and white hair are the same?

the answer is NO. Gray hair happens when a hair follicle has decreased melanin (the pigment in hair and skin),” Chad reaffirms. “White hair happens when a hair follicle has no melanin.


 Here is all the information and advises are given have been collected from famous source


