Know which fruits is worst or good for your hair (ALL THESE WILL HELP YOU IN HAIR FALL)

 Hello hair lover peeps i hope you must having the best hair days . Now as winter is coming there are a lots of vegetables and fruits . As we al know that food habit place a huge impact on your hair and skin too. So this time it will be skin and hair both types of food that will also help you to build a healthy diet too.

1. Almond butter 

As we all know in winter there are a huge amount of almonds can be take .almonds increases the number of nutrients like polyunsaturated and mono fatty acids and vitamins A, D, B1, B2 and B6 which are needed for good hair growth, preventing dandruff and inflammation..So almond butter is the best thing for your hair . All these vitamins work for your hair growth and also you take apply almond oil . its the best for hair . Almonds have vitamins D which it really important for skin as it prevents aging and itching . in the winter countries they have less of sun Almond is really good for their hair and skin too.





2. tangerine 

In Asian countries the most fav winter fruit is tangerine .tangerine is a fruit full of vitamins c . tangerine has Vitamin C helps the body produce more collagen, while vitamin A helps the hair stay hydrated by increasing the production of sebum,. Also who are suffering from hair loss its a huge important fruits for your hair and skin . we all know how importent is Vitamin C  is for skin and health.

Also if tangerine is not available in your country you can go with mandarin or other types of orange . they all have the same types of chemical structures . also tangerine helps to regrow your hair soon 

3. Salmon 

yummy !! getting water in your mouth . HAHAHA  Its totally allowed because salmon is  really good  for your hair health .salmon is the fish for hair. This oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12 and iron. Clubbed together, these components can restore the shine in your tresses. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to retain a healthy scalp. 

Salmon is one of the most famous and delicious fish for kinda all over the world . and the best thing is you can eat it for your hair too and its has a good amount of fatty acids and omega which creates a good layer of moisture on your skin . 

must try out salmon for hair . it will make your yummy tummy happy 😀

4. Spinach 

OK. we all know how much spinach is good for our health. we also know that many of us doesn't like it . But believe me Spinach work like a magic to your hair and also to your body too. it also work amazing on the skin as it give lives to the dead skin cells . Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that's loaded with beneficial nutrients like folate, iron, and vitamins A and C, all of which may promote hair growth. Vitamin A helps the skin glands produce sebum. This oily substance helps moisturize the scalp to keep hair healthy.

here are some recipes for  

1. creamy spinach pasta

2. chicken with spinach  


Rich in Lutin, eggs can provide hydration and elasticity to the skin while the high protein content can help in repairing tissues and firming skin. The proteins in eggs can be used in softening the hair, and also to give it strength and shine. eggs are quite irratating to apply on hair but when you really have them you will get the both vitamins for your skin and hair 

some eggs made recipes that will really delight your morning 

1. egg roll

2.turkish egg curry 

6. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is made of goat milk and it have much more consistency then other yogurt. it has a list of beneficial :

  • Bright and glowing skin. Apply Greek yogurt as a mask makes your skin smooth, bright and glowing. ...
  • Exfoliation. High in lactic acid, Greek yogurt also acts as a gentle exfoliate by removing the top layer of dead skin cells. ...
  • Soothe itchy scalp. ...
  • Fights acne. ...
  • Conditions dry and damaged hair.

 this yogurt is really good for your hair and skin  . when we are quite lazy to apply mask or any kind of that thing we can easily eat that for our body .

7. Oatmeal 

as we all know oats is our everyday fav cuz it's so easy to make and prepare. it also healthy and have a lots of vitamins . you can really apply it to your hair scalp for exfoliation  . it's the best remedy for itchy scalp .just add honey and a table spoon of oats and apply it to your hair scalp and wash it after 20 min . take care of your hair scalp because it the place where your hair gets all  the vitamins ..

the benifials of oatmeal 

Oatmeal. Oats are rich in iron, fiber, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which stimulate hair growth, making it thick and healthy. Colloidal oatmeal has been used for centuries to soothe dry, itchy skin. Its content of unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant chemicals called avenanthramides boost both skin and overall health.

8. Guava 

this is a fruit which has all the beneficial from its leaf to seeds inside . all of the elements are  we eat it or just apply it on our hair . but let me tell you about the health and hair, skin beneficial

Guavas are also useful for maintaining hair health as the nutrients present in them help arrest hair loss. They are rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid, copper, potassium, fibre, manganese, flavonoids and other phytochemicals. All of these qualities are beneficial for hair growth and controlling hair loss.The wide range of vitamins and antioxidants packed into a guava may work wonders for your skin. Its antioxidants may protect your skin from damage, which can slow down its aging process, helping prevent wrinkles ( 23 ). What's more, guava leaf extract may even help treat acne when applied directly to your skin.


In asian countries this is a really famous food . it is found in every house . but it has a such good balance of protein and iron that helps our body and hair to stay well.

Lentils. Eating lentils benefits your hair and skin because they are an amazing source of protein and iron. Especially if you tend towards low or deficient iron levels, they can help you to have nice and full hair. They are also the perfect protein pick if you are a vegetarian.
also there are a bunch of lentil mask for hair as well as skin too. all these mask will really give you all the protein that your body has been lacking for . eating lentil seems to be hard but there are a tons of amazing recipes for lentil


10.oyster/ oyster oil

It might seems awkward that  but oyster oil , sauce or anything is good for your hair  .Oysters are an excellent source of zinc, which is involved in hair growth and keeps the oil glands around the hair shaft working properly. Low levels of zinc can lead to dandruff, slow growth, and even hair loss.It's possible that oysters can help with problem skin. Zinc and collagen, both found in oysters, have been shown to boost the repair and regenerative qualities of skin. Collagen is also known to help make brittle nails and hair strong again .
As oyster is not allowed in many countries here are some links for oyster oil to buy
here are some recipes you can make with oyster sauce 

11. Liver 

liver is always not everyone's fav but its really helpful  for your whole body specially even when you are in period too. it has vitamin A,B,C. Zinc, Copper,Lysine .
People with low levels of androgens can also suffer from slow hair growth and dandruff. Adjusting your diet—and emphasizing zinc-rich choices like oysters, along with crab, clams, liver, lean beef, and wheat germ—will help stave off hair loss and keep your mane shiny and healthy.
here are some amazing appetizing recipes  

12. Blueberries

Anti-aging is one of the top sought-after natural skincare benefits. The antioxidants present in blueberries combat free radicals from sun exposure, which can cause damage to our skin over time and speed up the aging process. Blueberries also contain significant amounts of zinc and iron, both skin-friendly elements. blueberries are so prety and delicios and we all love to eat blueberries smoothie. 

 here are the recipes that are the breakfast or snack 

13. Barley

Barley also contains selenium, a mineral that doubles as a powerful antioxidant, which helps protect skin cells from free radical damage. It also contains zinc, B vitamins, and iron, all of which are essential for promoting the health of skin and hair

barley is really good for our hair and skin too. here are some recipes with barley.

13. Walnut

walnut in the winter is fond by all of us . yeah it has a bunch of vitamins and minerals for the best of your health,hair and skin . walnuts are prized for their significant quantities of vitamin B5, otherwise known as pantothenic acid, apart from comprising umpteen antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds. All of these work in synergy, to promote the overall well-being of skin and hair

Walnut is one of the most delicious . get to know some quick recipes of walnuts 

Carrot/ baby carrot 

But did you know that this delicious orange crunchy vegetable actually has so many benefits for your skin and hair? As it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, carrots can make your skin a lot healthier. ... Vitamin A also prevents wrinkles; rich in antioxidants, it attacks free radicals to avoid developing any wrinkles.
baby carrots are the best . beleive me and they are sooo soft and same time crunchy you will  just love it 


Mushrooms are a good source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which are all useful in both promoting healthy and strong hair and preventing hair loss and other problems. ... B vitamins help carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, which aids in hair growth.The kojic acid present in mushrooms gently exfoliates the skin from within and reveals bright complexion. It is a good dietary alternative for harsher external exfoliants. Has anti-aging benefits: Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants like selenium, vitamin C and choline.
mushroom we can ear in many ways . taking care of ourselfves , having good food , and giving your body vitamins and minerals that the self care we need to do it daily.
here are some amazing dish to eat with mushroom

 Some food which are not good for your hair 


Generally speaking, fish is good for your hair. However, swordfish is one type of fish that you should avoid as much as possible. Swordfish is high in mercury. High levels of mercury can lead to hair loss.


Cubes of white sugar (For use in USA only) Mond'Image /

 A high sugar intake spikes your blood sugar levels which damages hair follicles and potentially accelerate hair loss. It also causes inflammation of the scalp leading to loss of quality and quantity of hair. This would further cause to dry scalp, dandruff, and damaged hair follicle.


Alcohol can wreak havoc on our hair too. Just like your skin, your hair needs hydration to keep it healthy. In the same way that booze leaves your skin feeling dehydrated, excessive alcohol consumption can dry out your hair, making it dull and brittle.  

